
Wardrobe Optimization App

Aisthetic is a wardrobe optimization app that allows users to streamline their outfit decisions, reducing decision fatigue while maximizing their closets’ potential. Users simply upload their closet into the app and are able to easily access all their items, filtering by season or occasion as needed. Daily AI-driven outfits are selected for the user, with weather data integration to ensure selected outfits are weather appropriate.

Additionally, users are able to use the app to make packing more efficient and optimized. They just input their destination and dates, and AI handles the packing list, displaying an outfit for every day of the trip (including daytime and/or dinner/work/evening outfits, depending on users occasion selections).

The app gradually fine-tunes it’s outfit suggestions to a users’s specific preferences.

Now available in the App Store.

Introduction Screen

Image Extraction Feature

To simplify the process of adding items to their digital closet, users can choose to grant the app access to their email. The app will then extract images from their online order receipts, allowing users to select and save specific images to their digital closets.

The extraction feature scans emails with designated keywords in the subject line and retrieves all images from those emails. These images undergo labeling by an ML model. If a label suggests a clothing item (e.g., “shirt,” “jeans”), the app highlights it as a potential addition to the user's closet. Users also have the option to upload images manually from their photo gallery or through the in-app camera feature.

The app does not access or store any other information from your email, and only extracts what is necessary for the purpose of providing you with the functionality to view and manage your digital closet. You have the choice to decide which of the extracted images you want to store in your closet, and have the option to delete your data at any time. Read our privacy policy for more information: Privacy Policy for Aisthetic.

version 2.0 redesign

version 1.0

Smart Closet Management Feature

Daily Outfit Selection Feature

Trip Outfit Planner Feature

Login Page, Splash Screen, Upload Closet Page